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Criteria Application Report on Later-Stage and Completes Projects

This report adopts a retrospective approach to evaluate quality criteria guidelines (and their relevant assessment criteria) in real life contexts. In order to test each criterion, analysis has taken place after the procurement phase on ‘later-stage’ projects, where contracts had already been signed by the client. Feedback has been gathered through questionnaires which focused on the importance, specific details, possibility to provide evidence, and time consumption of assessment for each criterion. By comparing results across 11 countries, this report reveals different attitudes towards the effectiveness of each criterion.

Overall, results from this research show that the use and applicability of criteria change according to different project contexts. However, the key findings and suggestions for improvement are summarised below:

  • Savings guarantees and verification of energy savings (Quality Criteria 3 and 4) are the most important and specific quality assessment categories.
  • Information and motivation of users (Quality Criteria 8) is less important and specific.
  • Further assistance is needed by adding or increasing the role of a facilitator.
  • Greater specification is required across the different scales at which quality criteria can be applied. For example, at small project scales such as lighting, clients expect greater references to other pre-existing standards.
  • Better organised connections, management and communication between the contractor and client are expected at different project stages (relating to Quality Criteria 2 and 6).

For more detailed results and analysis, download the full report below.