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QualitEE project launches draft financial guidelines for energy efficiency services in preparation for discussion at workshops in Brussels

QualitEE project launches draft financial guidelines for energy efficiency services in preparation for discussion at workshops in Brussels


QualitEE project launches draft financial guidelines for energy efficiency services in preparation for discussion at workshops in Brussels

The QualitEE project is gearing up for European discussion workshops in Brussels on the 22nd March that will consult market stakeholders on Draft Guidelines of European Quality Criteria and Draft Financial Guidelines for energy efficiency services. For more information and registration for the discussion workshops follow this link.

The recently published draft Financial Guidelines aim to establish a common understanding for the assessment of bankability of energy efficiency services projects. They are targeted to support financial institutions in their appraisal of energy efficiency services, whilst also guiding service providers and clients to streamline the project information they provide to access external finance. This aims to tackle issues of finance viability and affordability identified in the QualitEE project’s market research.

The draft Financial Guidelines will be undergoing a comprehensive feedback process throughout 2018. You can download the Financial Guidelines and provide feedback here.