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Pilot Projects

To test the quality criteria and assurance procedures, the QualitEE project has engaged with 28 pilot projects in 11 European countries that span a diverse range of energy efficiency services. The projects represent 33 million Euros of investment, 33 GWh of annual primary savings and over 9,200 tons of annual CO2 emissions savings.

The following page outlines pilot projects conducted in the UK and offers downloads of application reports that cover key project facts, technical aspects and feedback to the application of quality criteria.

  • South Cambridgeshire Hall / Bouygues E&S

    South Cambridgeshire Hall / Bouygues E&S

    Overview: PV car ports, EV charging, ground source heat pump & various efficiency measures for municipal offices in Cambridgeshire. The ambition of this project is to go as far as possible to reducing the Council’s flagship building’s carbon footprint to zero within reasonable economic limits.

    Annual carbon savings: 171 tCO2 emissions per year

    Annual energy savings: 827 331 kWh/year (57% energy savings)

    Renewable generation: 498 600 kWh (Heat), 111 204 kWh (Electricity)

    Annual primary energy savings: 1 126 292 kWh/year

The quality assessment criteria have helped us to ask the right questions of our project, and our energy services provider at key stages of development to give us more certainty that we are on the right track. They also provide a useful checklist to give to our staff when we bring them into the project, and if service providers can be independently assured to be able to deliver against these criteria, this will help consumers to sign off investments internally and get more projects moving.

Alex Snelling-Day, Green Energy Investment Officer, South Cambridgeshire District Council

  • Dundee City Council / Vital Energi

    Dundee City Council / Vital Energi

    Overview: Efficiency measures, CHP and PV for eight public buildings (leisure centres (sports facilities), ice rink, community centre, art gallery, library, depot and car park) owned by Dundee City Council.

    Annual carbon savings: 885.94 tCO2 emissions per year

    Annual energy savings: 2 211 635 kWh/year (12% energy savings)

    Renewable generation: 121 962 kWh (Normalised PV Electricity)

    Annual primary energy savings: 4 730 409 kWh/year

From a Contractor’s perspective, a scheme that can offer independent assurance by a nationally recognised trade body that shows we deliver high quality energy performance contracting services, is very appealing. It helps us to secure the business case with clients and at an industry level it can build trust to help increase uptake and speed up transactions. Also, having a publicly available set of quality assessment criteria gives clients more information and certainty on what to expect, and provides us with a helpful self assessment tool to ensure we are always delivering to a high standard.

Chris Yeo, Head of Energy Optimisation, Vital Energi

View all 28 Pilot Projects across Europe

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