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UK Report on the Energy Efficiency Services Market and Quality

This report brings together various sources of evidence to describe the Energy Efficiency Services (EES) market and inform the development of quality criteria and the implementation of quality assurance schemes. It focusses on two common forms of EES; Energy Performance Contracting (EPC) and Energy Supply Contracting (ESC).

It is primarily based on an extensive survey of EES providers and facilitators, and interviews of clients and financial institutions involved with EES, but also incorporates relevant literature and the market knowledge of the authors. It compares results across 15 European countries captured in 2017 with previous surveys conducted in 2013 & 2015. Survey results can also be explored via our interactive web tool.

The report is one of the most in depth and focussed studies of the UK Energy Efficiency Services market to date and covers the following topics:

  • Introduction to energy efficiency services and types
  • An overview of the relevant political, legal and regulatory framework
  • Current state and trends in the UK market including; size and growth trajectory, typical project characteristics, contract types, market actors and financing
  • Key elements of quality and areas for improvement
  • Market barriers and recommendations to support development
  • Background to the UK system for standardisation and certification, current status of quality assurance for energy efficiency services and desirable characteristics for a potential new scheme.

European report available

A pan European report on the Energy Efficiency Services market and quality is also available.

View the European report