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Guidelines of European Technical Quality Criteria for Energy Efficiency Services

The Guidelines of European Technical Quality Criteria for Energy Efficiency Services aim to respond to the urgent market need for standardisation of energy efficiency services. They are targeted at public and private clients, energy service providers, financial institutions, procurement staff and policy makers. The criteria have been developed to form the basis of assurance schemes for energy efficiency services.

Since the draft published in 2018 these guidelines have been refined through a comprehensive feedback process including European discussion workshops in Brussels, Vienna, Riga, Madrid, and Bucharest, and testing in 28 pilot projects.

The feedback process revealed that – whilst there is a lot of commonality that can be harmonised across Europe in this version of the guidelines – there are local particularities of national energy efficiency services markets. National adaptations have therefore been developed in QualitEE project partner countries: Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Germany, Greece, Latvia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, and the United Kingdom. These can be viewed on country specific pages that can be selected in the top right corner of the website.

These technical guidelines have been developed to sit alongside financial guidelines and a procurement handbook to provide a toolkit for the procurement and quality assessment of energy efficiency services.

This toolkit builds trust between consumers, suppliers and financiers by offering best practice information and a framework to establish consensus on what represents good quality in Energy Efficiency Services. On its own, the toolkit can be used for self-assessment throughout project development, procurement and delivery. Beyond this, the quality assessment criteria have also been designed to form the backbone of quality assurance schemes that will improve standardisation, accountability and the availability of independent performance information relating to services and their providers.

Klemens Leutgöb, project coordinator and CEO of e7 Energy Innovation & Engineering

Read national adaptations of these guidelines

Visit country specific pages by selecting in the top right corner of the website