European Advisory Board
Monika Auer
Monika Auer has been General Secretary and Managing Director of the OEGUT since 2014. Ms. Auer has been part of the OEGUT’s expert team since 1995 and has played an active part in building up the organisation’s specialist areas.
As a leader within her own area of expertise, energy contracting, she has strong experience in information-communication, partner networking and research whilst also having led an external agency, the DECA (Service Provider for Energy Efficiency and Contracting Austria) until 2018. Alongside her work for the OEGUT, she was a lecturer in Energy Contracting at the University of Applied Sciences in Burgenland, Austria, from 2011 until 2017.
Jan W. Bleyl
Energetic Solutions
Jan is a senior consultant and owner of Energetic Solutions, an independent energy efficiency consultancy firm. Jan has over 20 years of experience in energy efficiency/renewable project development and has considerable knowledge in their implementation in national and international contexts, many of them as ESCo projects.
Since 2006, Jan has led Task 16, the Energy Service Task of the International Energy Agency, which brings together experts from around the world, who join forces to advance ESCo models and markets. Since 1994 to 2002, he has developed and managed the ESCo division of Berlin Energy Agency.
Jan was educated at the Technical University at the University of Berlin, Germany and Humboldt State University in California. Amongst others, he has a special interest in simplified M&V (sM&V) as well as bankable project calculations, translating MWh into cash flows and vice versa (for technical and financial due diligence).
Martin Dasek
IFC / World Bank Group
Mr. Martin Dasek is the Senior Climate Financing Specialist & Climate Consulting Lead for Europe, Central Asia & MENA in IFC’s Financial Institutions Group (IFC FIG). He is responsible for climate investments implementation and advisory support to local FIs in the EMENA region. Since year 2008, Martin has been engaged in many investment projects with FIs in total volume more than US$3billion (as credit lines, risk sharing products, Green Bonds and trade guarantees). Martin was IFC Country Manager for Commercializing Energy Efficiency Finance Program (CEEF), a six-year guarantee and market transformation program implemented by IFC in Central & Eastern Europe between 2003 and 2008.
After graduating from the Czech Technical University he joined SEVEn, The Energy Efficiency Center in 1993. During his time at SEVEn Martin managed dozens of national and international projects. Martin is specialized in sustainability projects management, banking and finance; he has expertise in sustainability, climate mitigation, renewable energy and energy efficient technologies implementation, development and financing of the climate, energy efficient and renewable energy projects, DSM programs, EPC, local and regional energy planning as well as popularization of clean energy. Martin is certified Energy Auditor, he has MBA degree from CVUT-Sheffield Hallam University.
Volker Dragon
Volker Dragon is an industry veteran with over 25 years’ experience in piloting industry marketing along the entire energy conversion chain.
Currently serving as Senior Manager Industry Affairs at Siemens Building Technologies, Volker oversees and analyses economic and political trends related to their energy efficiency business. In addition to his current function he serves as Chairman of eu.esco, the European Association of Energy Service Companies.
Volker has a Master Degree in Business Administration from the University of Applied Sciences Mainz and a Degree in Communications from the European Business School (EBS), Germany.
Pierre Langlois
Mr. Pierre Langlois currently serves as the President of Econoler Inc. and has 30 years of experience in all the aspects related to the development and implementation of sustainable energy related projects, particularly on the demand side.
He was heavily involved in all activities relating to the most successful ESCO in Canada and one of the first such operation in the world during the 1980’s. Since then, Pierre has been involved in the development of the use of the EPC concept in over 60 countries, supporting the creation and operation of ESCOs, developing institutional frameworks and regulations as well as adapted financing mechanisms. He also contributed to hundreds of initiatives worldwide related to energy efficiency and demand side renewable energy including: DSM programs, building codes, standard and labelling, development and management of specialised financing mechanisms and dedicated funds, laws and regulations for the promotion of sustainable energy projects, Measurement & Verification protocols, and many other issues.
Pierre currently sits as Vice Chair of the Efficiency Valuation Organisation (EVO), the home of the International Measurement and Verification Protocol (IPMVP)
Ettore Piantoni
Chairman of working group on Energy Efficiency Financing Tools – CEN/CENELEC
Ettore Piantoni has more than thirty years’ experience in the energy industry acquired in various assignments from project management, marketing, business development and general management.
He holds a Master’s degree in Chemical Engineering from Politecnico di Milano, Italy and is a certified energy management expert. Since 2013 he has worked as an independent energy consultant. He has been a member of CEN/CENELEC Sector Forum Energy Management (SFEM) and chairman of JWG 3 since 2008 and is also a convener of two working groups on ISO 50001 and Financing Tools for energy efficiency projects.
In Italy, Ettore is also an active member of CTI Comitato Termotecnico Italiano and convener of the national mirror groups on Energy Management and Energy Auditing.