Who is QualitEE for?
Public and Private Clients of Energy Efficiency Services
The QualitEE project has developed quality assessment criteria and a procurement handbook; tools that will help you become a more informed buyer of Energy Efficiency Services.
Assurance schemes based on these criteria will drive continual improvement in the service quality you receive and reduce risk, whilst increasing stakeholder trust levels that will lead to reduced finance cost and reduced time to project sign off.
The project has conducted extensive market research, which allows comparison across 15 European countries and reveals trends over the period 2013-19 that can improve your insight into the market.
Facilitators of Energy Efficiency Services
The QualitEE project has developed quality assessment criteria and assurance schemes that you can use with your clients to improve the outcome of their energy efficiency services investments. Improving service quality and trust aims to increase demand for energy efficiency services and associated consultancy work.
The project has conducted extensive market research, which allows comparison across 15 European countries and reveals trends over the period 2013-19 that can improve your insight into the market.
Providers of Energy Efficiency Services (ESCOs)
The QualitEE project has developed quality assessment criteria and assurance schemes that will allow you to distinguish your service and track record as high quality. It will also lead to more informed clients with higher trust in the market, which will increase demand and reduce time to project sign off.
The project has conducted extensive market research, which allows comparison across 15 European countries and reveals trends over the period 2013-19 that can improve your insight into the market.
Financial Institutions
The QualitEE project has developed quality assessment criteria and assurance schemes that will grow responsible investment opportunities in the Energy Efficiency market. This will reduce your technical risk and due diligence costs when investing in Energy Efficiency, whilst increasing standardisation to allow easier aggregation of investments.
The project has conducted extensive market research, which allows comparison across 15 European countries and reveals trends over the period 2013-19 that can improve your insight into the market.
Government Bodies
The QualitEE project has developed quality assessment criteria and assurance schemes that will increase Energy Efficiency investment to deliver against energy efficiency, renewables and carbon reduction targets. The project has conducted extensive market research that will support policy development in this area and engagement with quality assurance schemes may offer opportunities for Government leadership.
National Associations
The QualitEE project has developed quality assessment criteria and assurance schemes that will increase investment in your Members’ Energy Efficiency Services. Engagement with quality assurance schemes may offer opportunities for trade association leadership, which will drive new membership.
The project has conducted extensive market research, which allows comparison across 15 European countries and reveals trends over the period 2013-19 that can improve your insight into the market.
Certification Bodies
The QualitEE project has developed quality assessment criteria and assurance schemes that will grow investment in the Energy Efficiency Services market, and increased demand for independent certification.
The project has conducted extensive market research, which allows comparison across 15 European countries and reveals trends over the period 2013-19 that can improve your insight into the market.