QualitEE project launches ‘Business models for quality assurance schemes’ report

To drive quality improvement and standardisation quality criteria need to be institutionalised, and hence the QualitEE project aims to kick start national quality assurance schemes for energy efficiency services in at least eight European countries.
To inform this process, existing business models for quality assurance have been researched, and ten of these are presented, described and analysed within the QualitEE project’s report “Business models for quality assurance schemes”.
This report also includes a framework for comparison of business models based on an analysis of key attributes of the various business models reviewed. Attributes for comparison include for example marketability, adaptability, Government involvement, number of stakeholders needed, bureaucracy and costs.
The analysis concluded that the most suitable existing business models to inspire the development of new quality assurance schemes for Energy Efficiency Services are:
- DECA Quality Label (Austria) – a quality assurance label for Energy Efficiency Services developed by the Austrian ESCO association DECA
- Klimaaktiv Building Standard (Austria) – a building standard developed by the Austrian Federal Ministry for Sustainability and Tourism
- ZRMK’s Quality in Construction Label (Slovenia) – a quality label for high quality construction products and services developed by the Slovenian Building and Civil Engineering Institute.
Read the “Business models for quality assurance schemes” report here.