UK Energy Services and Technology Association (ESTA) Learn About QualitEE Project
London – Nick Keegan of EEVS Insight, UK partners for QualitEE, introduced the project to key stakeholders in the British Energy Services market.
The presentation, on 29th June 2017, was part of the third in a series of industry meetings led by theEnergy Performance Contracting Group of the UK Energy Services and Technology Association (ESTA).
The series has brought together ESCOs with professional services, financial institutions and policymakers (over 60 participants) to form the cross-discipline dialogue required to effect a step change in uptake of energy efficiency services in the UK.
The meeting also featured presentations from representatives of the UK Department for Business, Energy and Industrial strategy, leading energy efficiency financier Sustainable Development Capital LLP, Portuguese ESCO Smartwatt, Legal Firm CMS Cameron McKenna Nabarro Olswang LLP and the Investor Confidence Project Europe, which led to a fruitful panel discussion on private sector energy performance contracting and requirements for quality assurance in the industry.