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UK Quality Criteria for Energy Performance Contracting

The UK quality criteria and assessment guidelines for Energy Performance Contracting are based on the Guidelines of European Technical Quality Criteria for Energy Efficiency Services.

The European quality criteria have been adapted for the UK market by incorporating feedback from stakeholder consultation and testing in pilot projects.

This represents a first version that has been published by the UK’s Energy Services & Technology Association , and is also intended to be used in a proposed accreditation scheme for Energy Performance Contracting providers.

The quality assessment criteria have helped us to ask the right questions of our project, and our energy services provider at key stages of development to give us more certainty that we are on the right track. They also provide a useful checklist to give to our staff when we bring them into the project, and if service providers can be independently assured to be able to deliver against these criteria, this will help consumers to sign off investments internally and get more projects moving.

Alex Snelling-Day, Green Energy Investment Officer, South Cambridgeshire District Council

View the Guidelines of European Technical Quality Criteria for Energy Efficiency Services

View the European criteria