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QualitEE project publishes market research on UK & European Energy Efficiency Services markets, finance and quality

QualitEE project publishes market research on UK & European Energy Efficiency Services markets, finance and quality


A new report on European energy efficiency services markets and quality has been published by the QualitEE project. This is one of the most in depth and focussed studies to date and was prepared to bring together evidence on energy efficiency services (EES) markets to inform the development of quality criteria and the implementation of quality assurance schemes for EES.

This is supported by focused reports for 15 European countries including the United Kingdom. The UK report looks primarily at Energy Performance Contracting and covers the following topics:

  • Introduction to energy efficiency services and types
  • An overview of the relevant political, legal and regulatory framework
  • Current state and trends in the UK market including; size and growth trajectory, typical project characteristics, contract types, market actors and financing
  • Key elements of quality and areas for improvement
  • Market barriers and recommendations to support development
  • Background to the UK system for standardisation and certification, current status of quality assurance for energy efficiency services and desirable characteristics for a potential new scheme.

Download the UK report here.

Download the European report here.

Download other country reports here.