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QualitEE project UK free half day training seminars start this November at the Energy Institute, London

QualitEE project UK free half day training seminars start this November at the Energy Institute, London


Free half day training seminars are being offered in the United Kingdom as part of the QualitEE project, and will be delivered by independent experts in this field from EEVS Insight.

The first seminar will be held on 14th November 10am-1pm at the Energy Institute in London and will offer an introduction to Energy Efficiency Services (EES) – such as Energy Performance Contracting (EPC) and Energy Supply Contracting (ESC). It will cover:

  • EES project stages, processes, time scales, roles and responsibilities
  • Energy savings guarantees, gain shares and risk management
  • Contract structure, contents and nuances
  • EES financing
  • The QualitEE project and the European Code of Conduct for EPC

Register at this link.

Further modules will be available in 2019:

  • Module 2: Evaluating the quality of energy efficiency services for procurement and financing
  • Module 3: Quality assurance frameworks for EES and lessons learnt from testing in pilot projects
  • Module 4: Opportunities for certification bodies and quality assurance providers in the certifcation of EES

Seminars are open to representatives from:

  • Public and private sector organisations looking to improve energy efficiency
  • Energy services & technology providers with an interest in offering EES
  • Financial institutions looking to invest in energy efficiency
  • Quality assurance providers and certification bodies interested in working with EES

About the trainers – EEVS Insight is a leading independent provider of professional advisory, technical and information services for energy efficiency. The company comprises a multi-disciplinary team with commercial and technical expertise that works with a range of clients including Lloyds Banking Group, Vodafone, several NHS Trusts, Local Authorities and Universities to help design, structure and govern major energy performance contracts. EEVS’ technical capability is underpinned as the market leader in good practice performance ‘Measurement & Verification’ (M&V), which spearheaded the introduction of the good practice standard, IPMVP, to the UK. EEVS now provides independent M&V advisory services and professional training including EVO Levels 2 and 3 (CMVP). EEVS is the UK partner for the QualitEE project.